tract of advertising spokesperAKRON COALITION

jr Children: One Woman's mission has renewed the conrusade Against the Sin of omosexuality," will be blished by Fleming H. Revell o. The book will recount the ade County campaign as well ; specific guidelines for people ho want to set up a similar 'ganization in their own home


The Federal Communications ommission is being asked to <tend the broadcast fairness octrine to let gays appear on levision to counter criticisms I their lifestyle. A San Franisco gay activist group has sked the FCC to order a Glenale, California television tation to air programming in esponse to the views of antigay pokesperson Anita Bryant..... Studies on female sexuality inolving 162 lesbians and 100 andomly selected women in an Jose, California, found that nly 18% of the random sample Imost always experienced rgasm during love making, as pposed to 87% of the lesbians, ccording to Lesbian Connecjon...

Gay Community News reports hat the Florida Citrus Com-

son Anita Bryant. The Commission released two market research studies which showed that 89% of the people interviewed "were not negatively affected in either their feelings toward her (Bryant)... or in their intent to buy orange juice.".....

On July 19, Champaign, Illinois became the 41st city in the United States to pass antidiscrimination laws to protect' the rights of gay people. The Human Rights Ordinance prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual preference in housing, employment and public accommodations....


AKRON, OH Over 500 signatures have been gathered on the Gay Civil Rights Petitions made up by COL Central Ohio Lesbians for OGRC Ohio Gay Rights Coalition..... The Metropolitan Community Church of Akron still has petitions out and at their business office. The American Hotel & Restaurant and The Gentlemen's Pub in Akron still have petitions available for your signatures....


by Michael Anderson acting cospokesperson and coordinator

The Coalition for Human Rights, Akron Area Chapter, has gone through many changes and stages of growth within our short existence to date and it looks like Akron finally has a workable, progressive gay liberation organization! At this early stage it is most important to reach as many other Gays as possible so as to further provide the opportunity for movement


OGRC At the August 7 meeting of OGRC Ohio Gay Rights Coalition at Kent State University; OGRC endorsed its support for the May 4th Coalition at Kent State University asking for the endorsement was Francis Dostal, OGRC Cleveland.





conscious Gays to get involved with CHR. To this end we have gained the full support of four of the five bars in Akron: American, Gentlemen's Pub, Hayloft, and Satan's Den. We have and will continue to have some of our meetings at these bars, plus we have put News Boards in these bars to reach their patrons with CHR activities. This is a big step in establishing a communications network within the Akron Gay community!

It is important for us to reach others by stating our purpose and listing the areas in which CHR will adopt its programs as the organization develops. The following is part of a statement of purpose from our tentative charter and an overview of our programs. We shall strive to achieve our purpose by the following three objectives: 1) To promote self-actualization and

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personal dignity for all persons whose emotional and affectional preference is their own sex. 2) To draw female and male persons closer together as sisters and brothers and to confront all forms of sexism in both the gay and the social community, and 3) To free people of the misconceptions and fears which feed homophobia and myths, thus creating an atmosphere where all people have the right to express their emotional and affectional preference openly and to pursue love and happiness in a life style which is meaningful to them.

We shall concentrate in three areas to achieve the above objectives: social events, education and political action. Education will be our main area of concentration with eight of our ten programs geared towards some level of education. Our first concern will be our own growth and sense of direction as members of CHR. To have our meetings on a personal level so that we may build a real community where we shall gain support and strength from the other members. Then secondly, to address ourselves to the problem of educating and building a community within the gay people of the Akron area. And lastly, to confront the misconceptions within the non-gay community through our Speakers Bureau and programs. In up-coming articles we shall discuss more in depth our programs and activities.

What is needed to keep CHR functioning is for movement conscious Gays to step forward and to put themselves in the organization. Our second need is financial to help pay for the materials which will be needed to implement some of our programs. All moneys derived will be used entirely to pay material costs of printing, letter writing, books, etc... and no money will be used for personal expenses such as gas money or whatever, since we are entirely a volunteer organization.

Be looking forward to our big labor day picnic at Turkeyfoot State Park on Sept. 3rd, Sat., at noon till whenever. It will be a 'bring-your-own' with swimming, sun-bathing, volleyball and other games. We extend a sincere invitation to all interested persons to attend our regular meetings which are every 2nd Fri. and every 4th Sun., of every month from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Also, make plans to attend our open public sessions which will be held weekly in the month of September. Through these open sessions we will make ourselves available for questions and input from the gay community, and to increase the size of our membership. Call us for place of meetings or be watching our News Boards. Join Us! The time is now for all of us to get in touch with ourselves; with the movement! For info. call: 848-3507 or 848-1183 or 773-3114.